Advent is a time of waiting. I like that idea, but often have a hard time with it. I can be the most impatient person. I tend to let my immediate reaction be the one that I run with and then if I leave a mess in my wake I do my damnest to fix it right away, no waiting, no letting God into those moments. I am most impatient with pain I think. I try to make others pain go away, often at the expense of my own peace. Or I try to push my pain, anger, sadness, hatred....all of those "bad" feelings out as soon as I get them because I have been taught that a good friend, sister, lover, human does not harbor those feelings. Don't get me wrong, I do agree that destructive emotions can be just that, destructive, and they can be transformative. So often we are told to push away these negative feelings, but I am coming to believe that if we don't really let what we feel effect us at that moment, for as long as we need that moment to be, then we are losing something. We are losing that connection with ourselves that is telling us to be angry, to be hurt, even to hate (if only until we can forgive). Speaking for myself, I have become so frightened of letting myself feel those negative feelings that I have continued to put myself in a place that I don't actually want to be. Waiting is not about always feeling secure, happy and content. I can only imagine what Mary and Joe were going through, excitement, joy, love, of course, but no doubt there was also fear of the unknown, physical pain of traveling, even some anger of being in this situation, seemingly without help. We like to think that the manger was a peaceful, beautiful, warm, calm place...but come on, they were on hay, with animals all around, I am sure it was loud, maybe smelt like shit, Mary was was in pain, Joseph scared, who knows if there was someone helping. Not really the way you want to bring a child into the world...and yet in the midst of all of this, leaving home, traveling far with no family, waiting for this baby inside to be born, they did the only thing they could. They kept going. They trusted in Love, God and took one step after the other. And hell, they did something right, 2000 odd years later we celebrate that journey, that birth, life.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Advent Thoughts (late in the game I know!)
Advent is a time of waiting. I like that idea, but often have a hard time with it. I can be the most impatient person. I tend to let my immediate reaction be the one that I run with and then if I leave a mess in my wake I do my damnest to fix it right away, no waiting, no letting God into those moments. I am most impatient with pain I think. I try to make others pain go away, often at the expense of my own peace. Or I try to push my pain, anger, sadness, hatred....all of those "bad" feelings out as soon as I get them because I have been taught that a good friend, sister, lover, human does not harbor those feelings. Don't get me wrong, I do agree that destructive emotions can be just that, destructive, and they can be transformative. So often we are told to push away these negative feelings, but I am coming to believe that if we don't really let what we feel effect us at that moment, for as long as we need that moment to be, then we are losing something. We are losing that connection with ourselves that is telling us to be angry, to be hurt, even to hate (if only until we can forgive). Speaking for myself, I have become so frightened of letting myself feel those negative feelings that I have continued to put myself in a place that I don't actually want to be. Waiting is not about always feeling secure, happy and content. I can only imagine what Mary and Joe were going through, excitement, joy, love, of course, but no doubt there was also fear of the unknown, physical pain of traveling, even some anger of being in this situation, seemingly without help. We like to think that the manger was a peaceful, beautiful, warm, calm place...but come on, they were on hay, with animals all around, I am sure it was loud, maybe smelt like shit, Mary was was in pain, Joseph scared, who knows if there was someone helping. Not really the way you want to bring a child into the world...and yet in the midst of all of this, leaving home, traveling far with no family, waiting for this baby inside to be born, they did the only thing they could. They kept going. They trusted in Love, God and took one step after the other. And hell, they did something right, 2000 odd years later we celebrate that journey, that birth, life.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Its in the Conch
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tubas and Frubas
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Street Art
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Few of My Favorite Things...A Thanksgiving Tribute
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Earth Under your Feet
Two Locations, One Commitment
I had the extreme privilege to share in life changing moments, read: marriage, with two very dear friends over the past week. These weddings came in very different forms. One was a crisp Sunday afternoon in golden red Vermont with 100 plus people followed by a rock band and a magically lite barn. The other was under a dramatically grey sky that broke for the moment of "I Do" with 30 plus people in bare feet on the shores of the Bahamas. Both were filled with joy and love, happiness and tears, new beginnings, fulfilled desires, family, friends and delicious food! As often as life throws curve balls, it is sharing in moments like these, the peaks of true friendship that chip away at clinging cynicism and remind me that although weddings are dramatic celebrations, it is all the common moments that lead up to them that solidify the powerful bond between two people.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
So Wa(it) until next Sunday
Blue sky, eclectic and affordable art, famous hot dogs AND good friends?! A summer Sunday does not get much better than that. I highly recommend a visit to SoWa Sundays, every Sunday from 10-4 at 460 Harrison Ave. (in Boston) through Halloween.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tactile Senses (edited recipe)
Remember the first time you stuck a finger in neon colored play-dough and felt the cool, smooth but cakey texture squish through your fingers?...ok, well, maybe not the first time. But I do remember the last time I played with it...helping a little-one make multicolored hot dogs, that is, before today! I had the opportunity to mold, roll, shape and squish homemade play-dough with a room full of many playful people. I hope you had the chance to play today.
Here is a recipe to make your own (edible!) play-dough:
3 cups flour
3 cups water
1 ½ cup salt
2 TBS veg oil
1 TBS cream of tartar
food coloring
Mix everything together.
Using a non-stick pan, pour the mixture in and stir over medium heat on stovetop. Make sure you are constantly watching it or it will burn. It takes about 10 minutes, or until it looks like play dough! You will see, it starts to harden.
Make sure you let it cool before playing with it.
Each batch makes 8 handfuls.
Enjoy your play!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Back from the Mountains
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Unlikely Places
Sometimes when you are least expecting it life surprises you with, well, just something different, a bout of joy in the midst of sadness. A night of unexpectedness . This picture was from about a week ago. I was sitting under this tree talking with a good friend about a tough situation. I wrote a whole entry in my notebook about this moment-- to bring to this blog. It was something about feeling safe and secure in the curve of this tree, where trunk met earth and everything was stable and certain (trust me, it was sooo profound!) And yet, only five days later I feel a whole new sense of wonder. Not for the security of nature, but for its wildness. For the continued growth that comes with each new season, never knowing for sure what to expect, except that change always brings something new, fresh, and different. I pray that this week brings continued changes: cooler Boston days, new surroundings (ie, vacation!!), and deeper belief that happiness is not something that is controlled, but is how we choose to live.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Simply the City
Friday, July 16, 2010
Talking into Joy
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Finding my Breath
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Breaking Old Habits with New Phones
(Ode to the iphone, all of these images were taken with the new iphone)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
As the Clouds Break
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Drive Home
Even in the midst of a busy night in the city, this drive home brings peace and calmness at the end of a long day. Here are some pictures that I find beautiful.