Friday, July 16, 2010

Talking into Joy

Have you ever had those experiences where in a short time a few different people from different parts of your life all confirm the same thing? That happened to me this week. I talked to multiple friends who gave me the same unsolicited answer to a question. It made me consider how this happens, and I realized it was because I opened up to them about something that I was afraid to talk about for a long time. Those conversations confirmed for me that communication is such a powerful means to grow, in oneself and in relationships of all kinds. I was also reminded what it is like to be fully present in a moment of sharing yourself with someone else. I forgot that it is such a freeing, simple, and joyous feeling, even though it can sometimes seem so scary and unappealing. So, here is a picture that was sent to me recently from a trip to visit friends who live a simple and open life. With the patter of tiny feet, running noses, cold weather, and busy schedules we found so many happy moments to laugh and be with one another. Here's hoping that the next couple of days are filled with simple joys, honest conversations, and many laughs.

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