Monday, June 21, 2010

Still Imagining

So as you can see I am still playing with the look of my new blog. I am also still playing with what I am going to write about. As some of you in my life know I am constantly thinking and asking questions...and rambling, but I hope to make this a bit more focused. So here is what I am thinking:

I believe in the power of art to transform a moment, a person, a community, an ideal, the world.
I believe that art is an accessible language for everyone.
I believe that art can show truth, but like many truths, it is in the "eye of the beholder"
I believe that art is varying degrees.

So stay tuned for what form all of these statements take.

And since pictures are usually more exciting than is my take on the Egyptian Sphinx. It is called Phoebe of the Sands

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