Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Resolves

Ok, it has only been 2011 for a few days and already the realities of life have hit hard with various news that one does not want to hear, both abroad, in my city, in my home. A good friend told me that sometimes we have to go into the pain, let it engulf us, touch us, and transform us before we can start to heal. Someone else said to love each moment and be grateful for what we have. There are so many ways to mourn, it seems we each have to do it in our own way. As this new year begins, births and deaths will happen, joy and sadness are inevitable. I have never been one for new year resolutions, but this year, in light of recent events I resolve to be present, to be aware when someone needs me, to make decisions and follow through, and as wise professor said, to just show up.

This year will bring more bad news, but it is my firm believe that joyous good news will always be more prevalent if we keep ourselves open to hearing it, seeing it, and showing up for it.

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